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This Counterflow MKD Low Drift Series is a cost-effective cooling tower offer very little resistance

to airflow which results in very low fan energy consumption. The uniform vertical inducted draft

counterflow design with uniform water distribution and optimal heat transfer.

The tower casing is made with high quality FRP material provides maximum corrosion resistance.

All the steel components are HDGS with SS304 or SS316 is available for superior corrosion

resistance. The fill is of rigid Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) with the additional drift eliminators prevent

the water droplets and keep drift losses to less than 0.001% of the re-circulating water flow rate.

The MKD series is available in 14 models with capacities ranging from 6m3/h to 500m3/h. Low

Noise, Super Low Noise & Low Drift models are available to meet your requirements.