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 PMP1, PMP2, PMP3, PMP4, PMP9 PUMP MODULE: 1. When present, a Pump Module is only allowed in the “Front” position. 2. Incoming water to the chiller system must enter at the Pump Module. 3. Leaving water from the chiller system may be from either end of the chiller. FCP1, FCP2, FCP3 FREE COOL MODULE: 1. When present, incoming system water must enter through the Free Cool Modules prior to entering an ASP010X, 15X, 20X, 30X, 60X Chiller Module. 2. You may not attach a Rear Free Cool Module to a Front ASP010X, 15X, 20X, 30X, 60X Chiller Module. ACP GLYCOL FEEDER MODULE: 1. An ACP Glycol Feeder Module may be attached in any rear position. ASP010X, 15X, 20X, 30X, 60X CHILLER MODULE: 1. The maximum number of ASP010X, 015X, 020X, or 030X,modules with a single Master Module is 14 (i.e., (1) Front-Master, (6) Front-Slaves, and (7) Rear-Slaves). For 60X modules, the maximum is nine modules. 2. You may have more than one Master Module in a single chiller bank. 3. Piping sides of an ASP010X, 015X, 020X, 030X, 060X chiller without Free Cool or Pump Modules attached are field selectable. VALID CONFIGURATIONS INVALID CONFIGURATIONS TYPICAL ASP060X CONFIGURATION LEGEND: FIRST LETTER M=Master Chiller Module (ASP010X, 15X, 20X, 30X or 60X) S = Slave Chiller Module (ASP010X, 15X, 20X, 30X or 60X) P= Pump Module (ASP-00P) F = Free Cool Module (ASP-1FX, 2FX, 3FX) G = Glycol Feeder Module (ASP-00G) SECOND LETTER F = Front Module R = Rear Module Problem: Cannot have a stand alone rear module. Solution: Make Slave Rear a Slave Front. Problem: Pump module after Master. Solution: Swap placement so incoming water enters at the pump module. Problem: Glycol Feeder Module is attached in a front position. Solution: Move Glycol Feeder Module to rear position and exchange Slave Rear Module for Slave Front Module. FRONT OF CHILLER BANK IS TOWARD THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE (Master Module location determines front of chiller) For other configurations, contact your local Representative